Max IT Finance Ltd. reserves the right to change or update the restrictions listed below, in accordance with reasonable considerations and matters only:
Up to 2 cards can be issued per ID card (or passport number), provided that the other card is in a different currency.
Minimum age for card issuance – 16.
Money cannot be transferred between cards (but only by "unloading" the amount loaded on the card and loading money on another card).
Blocked MCCs: It will not be possible to conduct transactions in certain businesses.
Blocked countries: It will not be possible to conduct transactions in businesses in certain countries.
Use limitations
ILS card
Maximum total for single, daily, and monthly load:
10,000 ILS
Maximum total daily ATM withdrawal:
4,000 ILS
Daily number of daily ATM withdrawals:
Maximum daily purchase amount:
8,000 ILS
Maximum card balance:
20,000 ILS
USD card
Maximum total for single, daily, and monthly load:
Maximum total daily ATM withdrawal:
Daily number of daily ATM withdrawals:
Maximum daily purchase amount:
Maximum card balance:
Euro card
Maximum total for single, daily, and monthly load:
Maximum total daily ATM withdrawal:
Daily number of daily ATM withdrawals:
Maximum daily purchase amount:
Maximum card balance: