What’s a UpayCard?

A prepaid reloadable VISA card by ICP Finance Ltd. in collaboration with MAX IT Finance Ltd., valid for five years.
Available in three currencies: ILS, USD and Euro.

Who are our customers?

Private customers without a bank account or credit card, travellers interested in a dollar / euro card, making secure purchases online.
Organizations (small funds) and employers (salary)

How do I get a UpayCard?

You can order a card via our website and receive it by delivery or at the loading locations on the website.
You can also order via the WhatsApp service.

How do you load the card?

Via bank transfer, Bit, cash deposit, via credit card and installments, with cash at loading points.

What is the bank account for transfers?

ICP Finance Ltd
Bank Leumi (10) Branch 817 Account 648400/23

How can I view my card transactions?

Once you purchase and load your card, you will receive an onboarding SMS with a website link where you can view your transactions and perform various actions.

Can the card be blocked?

The card can be blocked 24/7 via website, or by phone during office hours.
It can be restarted at any time.

Where can I use the card?

The card is accepted nearly anywhere in Israel and abroad.
Use it for physical, online or phone transactions, and/or ATM cash withdrawal.

What is the Ashmoret Club?

A club of the Teachers’ Union that customers who have a UpayCard card can enjoy. You have to load the card and make the purchases on the website with it.
Go to the link and specify the mobile number registered with us.

How can I view my card balance?

24/7 via website, or by phone during office hours.

Can I renew my PIN?

Yes, 24/7 via website.

What should I do if I lost my card?

In case of loss or theft and to prevent unauthorized use, block the card 24/7 via website, or by phone during office hours.

Can I order a card in my name?

Definitely. When contacting our service center, please state it in the first call.

What card fees are there?

Click here to view reload charges and card fees

Are there card limitations?

You can order up to 2 cards (in different currencies), NIS 10,000 limit for single and monthly loading. For additional limits click here .

Are there conversion fees when making purchases with foreign currency cards?

There are no conversion fees for transactions made in the original card currency.

Can I withdraw my card balance?

You can unload the balance of the card at any time, directly to a bank account or credit card, at any ATM or at the loading points.

Can I get and load a card for someone else?

Sure. The card is especially designed for employers who wish to load funds for their employees, and/or individuals who want to load money for a first-degree relative. Contact our customer service and sign an employer/relative statement.

Can salary cards be loaded for companies and organizations?

Yes, once the relevant documents have been signed.

Can a card be blocked or unblocked at any time?


Do I pay fees while the card is blocked?

No, but make sure that there are funds to cover reload charges and monthly membership fees, otherwise the card will be overdrawn at MAX IT Finance Ltd.

How do you pay via mobile with Google Pay or Apple Pay?

Mobile payment is possible on smart devices, the loaded card must be saved in your Wallet app.

How do you pay Contactless?

Contactless smart cards with the symbol ((( allow Contactless payment. Just attach the card to the terminal and pay. This way you will feel especially safe during the period of maintaining hygiene and social distancing following the Covid-19 crisis. Contactless payment is enabled in transactions of up to NIS 300 in businesses with smart terminals that have the EMV standard. You can pay any amount even when you insert the card into the terminal, and then you will have to type in your secret code - it is the code you use to withdraw cash at the ATM.

Does the company have a public complaints officer and how can I contact them?

A complaint in any matter concerning the services provided by the company can be submitted to the company's public complaints officer, Adv. Ligal Lankri, in one of the following ways:
E-mail: [email protected]
Via regular mail with delivery to the address:
Public Complaints Commissioner
ICP Finance Ltd.
5 Kinneret St., Bnei Brak, zip code 5126237

For your attention, in order to handle your application efficiently, the following details must be included in the application: applicant's name, postal code number, address, phone number, description of the application details and relevant documents.

Contact us on WhatsApp